Friday, January 22, 2010

once an infertile...

As soon as we arrived home last week we went to base to have Cormick switched from the base in WA to our base for medical care. I was totally overcome by emotion as Greg and I walked down and around the hallways from one office to the other. Over three years ago I walked in those doors pregnant. Then a year after that I walked in as a fertility patient. Last week, I walked in as a Mom with this miracle in my arms. I just started to cry. It felt so weird. I turned to Greg and said there are so many bad memories here at this hospital and that it was really hard for me to be back. He, of course, reminded me that we are making better memories now. I know this and I wake up everyday feeling blessed, but like so many have told me, the infertility never goes away. It is a part of you that stays forever.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

six weeks of pure love

Our beautiful son at six weeks. Greg is totally in awe and will not put him down. I have to remember that this is his first week with him even though it is my sixth. On Saturday we had our post placement visit. Next month the adoption will be finalized, so hard to believe. In the meantime, we are just thankful to have this time to spend together with our little man. I'm getting spoiled having both my boys home at the same time!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the 3 of us

Today we became a family! Greg returned early this morning from completing his 5th deployment! Our life has changed so much in the past six months since he left. So here we are the first picture of the 3 of us! It still does not feel real that this precious little one is ours to raise and smother with love for the rest of our lives! There were many times we thought this day would never happen and today it really did happen!