Thursday, June 5, 2008

infertility stamp

Thanks to Portugal, this is the world's first stamp to raise awareness of infertility. I loved the design, so I thought I would share.


Marado said...

Thanks...I am portuguese!!!!
lol xD

Patti Rae said...

That picture says it all doesn't it??? Wish I could live by you guys..... Love ya both!

Lynn said...

Jumped over from Pattie's site to yours. Well, my sister, we have a lot in common. I won't go into too many details,but I know that empty feeling of hearing "negative" soooooo many times. I got so tired of taking my temp., that I threw it across the room and screamed "I will never take my temp. again." I still avoid that pesky thing. It brings back too many heartaches. I will pray for you. It is good that you are open to adoption. The Lord gave us our son through adoption, but it still hurts knowing I couldn't give my husband a child, but then again, if I had, I probably wouldn't have my son, and that would break my heart.

In Christ,
John 15