Thursday, August 23, 2007


The continuation.....

On July 11, 2006 my RE retrieved 8 eggs. Five fertilized with ICSI. I was so happy with this! I thought, “Perfect, we will transfer two and have three to freeze!” On July 14, we had two embryos transferred. Three days later we left the Albuquerque,NM and started our journey across the country to our next duty station at Wrigh Patterson AFB, Ohio. As we were leaving the state, I called the RE’s office to check on my three embryos. To my surprise, not one embryo survived! I was shocked. I felt defeated. I cried and cried for hours until my realtor called to tell us we had an offer on the house! Well at least now we would have money to pay off the IVF!
July 25, 2006 after four days of spotting and convincing myself and my husband that the IVF failed, I was wrong. I received a BFP! At the six week ultrasound our embryo was measuring a week behind and continued to measure behind. The heartbeat was strong and we saw and heard the heartbeat numerous times. At 12 weeks, I let my guard down and shared the news of our little miracle. Three weeks later, we had to tell our family and friends that our miracle had passed. Why? We will never know as I opted out of the Amniocentesis. All we know is that at 14w6d our baby measured 12w6d and did not suffer from an infection. As I write this ten months later, I am still devastated. The loss has changed me.

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